Home grown handset and tablet manufacturer Micromax has now launched its latest Canvas offering in the Indian smartphone market. Christened Canvas Turbo Mini, the device has been priced at Rs 14,490. In addition, Intex has also launched a new smartphone called Aqua Curve, which is available for purchase at a slightly lower price of Rs 12,490. Here is a look at the specifications of the devices.
The smartphone sports a 4.7 inch IPS HD touchscreen display (1280×720 pixel resolution) and runs on the Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 operating system. It is powered by a 1.3 GHz MT6582 quad-core processor and has 1GB of RAM. The internal memory of the device is 4GB, which can be further expanded an additional 32GB with a microSD card.
It has an 8 megapixel autofocus rear camera with Flash that can also record high definition videos (720p) at 30 frames per second and a 5MP front facing camera for video calling. On the connectivity front, the smartphone has Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi, 3G, & comes with a microSD card slot and a microUSB slot.
The company has provided a 1,800 mAh battery in the device that it claims will provide up to 6.5 hours of talk time and 180 hours of standby time. The smartphone has GPS, FM radio, and comes with dual-SIM capability. It is also pre-loaded with apps like M Live, Bubble X Slice, Kingsoft, Hike, and Opera mini, among others. It is currently available in black, blue and white colours.
This one has a 5 inch qHD touchscreen display (960×540 pixel resolution) and it also runs on the Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 operating system. It is powered by a 1.3 GHz MT6582 quad-core processor and has 1GB of RAM. The internal memory of the device is 4GB, which can be further expanded an additional 32GB with a microSD card.
It also has an 8 megapixel autofocus rear camera with Flash that can also record videos but only a 2MP front facing camera for video calling. On the connectivity front, the smartphone has Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G, & comes with a microSD card slot and a microUSB slot.
It also has an 8 megapixel autofocus rear camera with Flash that can also record videos but only a 2MP front facing camera for video calling. On the connectivity front, the smartphone has Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G, & comes with a microSD card slot and a microUSB slot.
The dimensions of the smartphone are 146.7mm x 73.5mm x 9.1mm and its weight is 152 gm. Intex has provided a 2,000 mAh battery in the handset. The smartphone has GPS, FM radio, and comes with dual-SIM capability. It will be available in black, blue and red colours and include multi-language support- Matrabhasha, Intex Cloud, Intex Play and NQ Vault.
In the under Rs 15,000 price range, both the smartphones will compete with the likes of Karbonn Titanium S9 (Rs 12,500) & S4 (Rs 13,990), Spice Pinnacle Stylus Mi-550 (Rs 12,999), XOLO Play (Rs 13,998) & Q1000S (Rs 14,499), Lenovo Ideaphone S920 (Rs 14,999), and Nokia Lumia 625 (Rs 14,999), among others.